Sometimes a still from the movie is the best choice for the movie poster. A case of point is this poster for the 2016 Ozon war drama. Simply beautiful.
Copyright statement: lower resolution images of movie posters considered fair use.
About me:
Dutchman, married to a beautiful and highly talented artist from Shanghai. PhD in chemistry, and a career in a large multinational energy company until early retirement. My hobbies: music, art, photography, chess, sudoku, word games.
About this blog:
I started this blog in August 2006, just wanting to share what I considered interesting pieces of visual art and music. I suffered from blogging blues from time to time which made me re-start the blog a few times. I did another complete re-set in January 2022 with a change of types of post as another attempt to save the blog. The new format appealed to me, but I still ran out of steam in June 2023. Made another complete restart November 2024....
All pictures in my blog are hosted on blogger - if some do not show up (the red cross syndrome) it is a blogger hiccup. Right click and selecting "show picture" should do the trick.
The blog's subjects
Anything Goes
Anything I think worthwhile that does not fall under one of the other categories....
Classical Albums
Some of my favourite classical music CD's, usually as they say "off the beaten path".
Classical Compositions
A selection of my favourite classical music works, mainly less familiar ones.
In My Life
For Christmas wishes and other things not related to the blog's subject.
Magazine Covers
Illustrative covers, mainly in the Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles.
Movie Posters
Stunning movie posters from decades ago or recent.
My Photography
Photographs I took that I like to share, some recent, some of years gone by.
A selection of paintings I like a lot, often (but not always) by artists that may be less well known.
Pop/Rock Albums
Some of my favourite pop/rock albums, focusing on less well known ones.
Pop/Rock Songs
Some of my favourite pop/rock songs, illustrated with AI generated images.
Vintage Posters
A selection of striking posters, mainly from the 1920s and 1930s.
Blog Info
Once in a while there may be statements relevant to the blog under this heading.
Under this text you will find the relevant labels. Clicking them will bring up all blog posts on that subject.
Each post contains a statement on the copyright situation. If you still find a picture on this blog that you are the copyright owner of, and object against the use, please drop me an email and I will remove it.