Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Vintage Coffee or Tea Posters

Vintage advertisement posters are much sought after, and have been recognized for their artistic merit as well giving us a chance to look at days gone by. There have even been dedicated exhibitions of such posters in art museums. I like these nostalgic images and will post a few grouped per theme. Today's theme is "coffee or tea". The image above is created via Photofunia and is free from copyright issues.

Cafe Jacamotte (1896)

Kicking off with an Art Nouveau beauty for the Cafe Jacamotte in Brussels. This poster was designed by Fernand Toussaint.

Bitter Oriental (1897)

Art Nouveau with some Asian influences. This poster for the alcoholic drink Bitter Oriental somehow shows up in many searches for vintage tea posters, so I'll leave it here (possibly it was regularly served in tearooms). It was created by Belgian illustrator Henri Privat-Livemont.

Italian Coffee (1900's?)

For this Italian poster, I can not even identify the product it is selling - the text translates as "Coffee, Espresso, Instant Service. I like it a lot so I include it anyway. Taking a stab at the dating - first decade of the century?

Marco-Polo (1910's?)

Marco-Polo was a tearoom in Munich. I could not find any information on this poster - I would date it roughly in the 1910's, but I could be way off.

Chocolate Amatller (1914)

Although the poster is for chocolates by this Spanish company, the girl is enjoying them with a cup of coffee, so it fits today's theme. The posted was designed by Rafael de Penagos.

Van Nelle Tea (1920)

Van Nelle is a Dutch tea brand that is still going strong today - I can hear their jingle in my head as I am typing this. As a Dutchman the old-fashioned formulation and spelling of "Vraagt Uwen Winkelier" (Ask your shop owner) brings a smile to my face.

Café Martin (1921)

A poster to advertise Turkish coffee in the Parisian Café Martin. As the text says: beware of copies! The posted was created by illustrator Leonetto Cappiello.

Horniman's Teas (1926)

Horniman was a tea trading and blending business. founded in 1826, and the brand can still be obtained  in parts of the world. This poster, designed by H. Banks, is a blend of Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles.

French Roast Coffee (1930s?)

Another rather obscure generic coffee poster, style-wise most likely from the 1930s. I have also seen similar patterns with some colour changes advertising specific coffee places in France.

L. Voisin (1935)

An advertisement for L. Voisin Coffee and Chocolates (whether it is a manufacturer or a coffee place I don't know). The poster was designed by Noel Saunier.

Kanis & Gunnink (1947)

Sporting a smiling Dutch girl in traditional costume, this is a rare vintage poster that has a connection with our home town of Kampen. Kanis & Gunnink used to produce coffee and tea here, and I still remember their TV advertisements in the seventies, when they were among the biggest selling coffee brands in the Netherlands. 

Indian Coffee (1950)

To finish today's post, I selected this one for Indian Coffee. I found it very charming in its simplicity. And it took me longer than I care to admit to figure out what the XL stands for.....

Copyright statement: posting lower quality vintage advertisement posters is deemed fair use.